Listed Real Estate


Brighthouse relies on listed real estate for investments in sectors with high barriers to entry, consolidated institutional ownership, and uniquely sophisticated operations as well as access to global markets to improve diversification within the asset class

Higher growth and liquidity help offset the higher volatility present in this strategy

Property Types

Residential - Apartments, Single Family Rentals & Manufactured Housing

Industrial - Logistics, Cold Storage & Manufacturing

Retail - Free-standing NNN Lease & Shopping Centers

Digital Infrastructure - Data Centers, Cell Towers & Fiber Cables

Healthcare - Life Sciences, Hospitals, Skilled Nursing, Senior Housing & Medical Offices

Self-Storage - Suburban Drive-up & Urban Multilevel

Gaming - Las Vegas & Regional Casinos


Global developed markets with a focus on the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia & Japan

Risk Profiles

Opportunistic, Value Add, Core+ & Core

Investment Vehicles

Separate Accounts - Bespoke portfolio of directly held listed real estate and related securities for complete client control

Hedge Funds - Pooled investment vehicles focused on listed real estate and related securities

Fund of Funds - Pooled investment vehicles holding interests in multiple other funds for improved diversification